
2.0 KiB

Karmotrine Dream Calckey Theme

A dark-mode theme for Calckey/Misskey made with pink and slight purple colours

I originally wanted to base this off of the VA-11 Hall-A UI. That did not work as good as expected, but I used that as a base to make a theme I'm mostly happy with. I tried to make it as readable as possible, but there's the occasional UI element that's a little hard to read that is not so easy to fix as I hoped.


  1. Open your Calckey instance
  2. Navigate to Settings > Themes > Install a theme
  3. Paste code
  4. Press Install
    id: '03539279-f1a0-4d7c-9732-2cce7cb39235',
    base: 'dark',
    desc: 'A dark theme somewhat originally based on the VA-11 Hall-A UI colours. Not so much in the end result.',
    name: 'Karmotrine Dream',
    props: {
      bg: '#1f1a21',
      fg: '#FCB6C0',
      cwBg: '@accent',
      cwFg: '@fgOnAccent',
      link: '@mention',
      badge: '@mention',
      navBg: '#1f1a2d',
      panel: '@bg',
      popup: '@navBg',
      accent: ':lighten<15<@bg',
      renote: '@mention',
      hashtag: '@mention',
      mention: '#F03B67',
      buttonBg: ':lighten<5<@bg',
      accentedBg: '#FCB6C0',
      fgOnAccent: '#FEC5D2',
      infoWarnBg: '@accentedBg',
      infoWarnFg: 'black',
      swutchOnBg: '@accent',
      swutchOnFg: '@fg',
      swutchOffFg: '#7b7b7b',
      fgHighlighted: ':darken<5<@fg',
    author: '',


Screenshot of timeline with Karmotrine Dream theme Screenshot of timeline with Karmotrine Dream theme
Screenshot of explore page with Karmotrine Dream theme Screenshot of explore page with Karmotrine Dream theme